ENGAGE / Before


An engagement process specially tailored to get tangible community input during the early stages of design.

We start off every project by doing our homework with initial context and historical research, and making important connections in the local community.


Our process always begins by diving into the local community and context. 

Our primary goal is to understand the hyper-local - building our understanding of the project within it’s site, neighborhood, history and culture. Then we connect with local advocates, community leaders, and key project stakeholders - getting a feel for the tone around the project and building our network of project support early. 

  • Deep-dive context, culture, and historical research

  • Stakeholder Interviews and Surveys

  • Community Engagement Plan development

Next, we prioritizing keen and receptive listening. 

We never start with a fully-baked design. When we initially connect with the community, we create a space for them to share their values, needs, and dreams with us - a space to tell their story. We use the ideas, questions and concerns we’ve collected, to identify community-rooted values that shape the rest of our engagement process.

  • Workshops

  • Pop-up events

  • Surveys, and more!

We use community-rooted values to shape our design activities.

Using the themes identified during the listening phase, we craft meaningful activities around topics of interest to the community. This step helps the community feel heard.  

We always present design options that are feasible for the project; transparency is key. 

This allows the community to actually have influence on areas of the design, promoting a sense of ownership, support, and pride. 

  • Workshops

  • Focus Groups

  • Property Tours

Finally, we celebrate the how much better the design is because of the community’s feedback.

At our final outreach event, we share what we’ve heard and how community input has been impacted the design. We make space for participants to share even more feedback with us.

After our final outreach event, our communication lines stay open and share regular updates with the community. We don’t leave people in the dark. 

  • Project Website

  • Final Report

  • Community Share-outs

Continuing communication during later phases of through construction is important to maintaining trust and honoring the important role the community has played in the design process.

It isn’t uncommon for engagement to require more phases based on history, place, and project requirements. For more complex or more sensitive projects we offer additional services such as:

/ Providing Reassurance: We know the importance of maintaining a sense of housing security and easing the disruptions through the planning, temporary relocation, and construction phases by consistent communication, clear timelines, and reassuring residents through the redevelopment process. 

// Promoting Understanding: In complex projects, it’s important to take the time to walk through the design constraints, code requirements, and more technical aspects - the non-negotiables - so that participants can internalize complexities and understand where their opportunities for influence lay.